October 2021 Team Meeting

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Presentation Last Name
Unified algorithm for aerosol characterization from OCI Remer
Radiative Transfer Simulator and Polarimetric Inversion for PACE Zhai
Retrievals of the Ocean Surface Refractive Index Ottaviani
Joint polarimetric aerosol and ocean color retrievals with deep learning Gao
Algorithms to obtain inherent optical properties of seawater Stramski
The PACE-MAPP collaborative algorithm project Stamnes
Freshwater Hyperspectral HABs Algorithms Shuchman
Retrieving water quality indicators via MDNs Pahlevan
Chi factor and BRDF Zhang
PACE UV Retrieval of Oceanic and Atmospheric Data products Chowdhary
Spectral Derivative Methods for Quantifying Phytoplankton Pigments for PACE Siegel
PACE-PAX Validation Traceability Matrix

PACE-PAX White Paper

Inversion algorithm for PACE Twardowski
MAIAC Processing of OCI Over Land: Aerosol Chemical Speciation Go (Lyapustin)
HARP2 Level 1 Data Processing Plan Xu
Remote sensing of cloud properties using PACE SPEXone and HARP-2 van Diedenhoven
PACE Project Manager _P1   P2 Dress
Phytoplankton Algorithms and Data Assimilation: Preparing a Pre-launch Path to Exploit PACE Spectral Data Rousseaux
PACE implementations for optically shallow waters Barnes
A toolbox for the diagnostic assessment of spectral behavior Vandermeulen
Radiative products for PACE Boss
Support for PACE OCI Cloud Products Meyer
Hyperspectral algorithms for OCI atmospheric correction and UV penetration Krotkov
Net Primary Production for PACE OCI Westberry
Machine learning approaches for predicting phytoplankton community composition from ocean color Craig
Simulated Data GMAO Castellanos
HARP2 Vanderlei
Ocean Color Satellite Calibration using HyperNAV Barnard